Run Baby Run: Jogging with Baby

So my marathon FINALLY came and went (almost a month ago now, I'm so good at blogging...) and I just wanted to share some of my jogging tips for beginners. Which I would still consider myself a beginner, so my advice may or may not work for you!

First, I started jogging with Isla when she was about 2 months old. She hated jogging in the stroller forward facing. I think it was mostly the wind blowing in her face that she disliked. After putting her in her carseat and attaching that to the stroller, she was much happier. It also helped me because I could see her and keep her entertained and happy for longer periods of time.

Isn't she the cutest coach?! James made this adorable shirt for her, I love it! I couldn't have done it without both of them!
Around 4 months old, I started putting her in just the stroller while jogging and she loved being able to look out and see everything around her. She didn't like being in the stroller for too long though, about 20 minutes was her max. Since I needed to run longer than that, I started jogging just before her regular nap time and sure enough she would fall asleep and I could run as long as I needed to.

Jogging with Isla was a great time to bond with her. It is a great way to get out and enjoy nature with your baby. Talk to them, sing to them, have fun with it. Isla loved pointing at every bird she saw. It's a great time to teach your baby. Point out the flowers, the trees, the animals. Let them know that those are "purple flowers, tall trees, quails, crows..." Describe everything you see to them, they can learn so much during that time and it will also help keep them entertained.

Try not to keep your kids in the stroller for too long. It can get boring and its really probably not good for them to be in there all day. The longest I would jog with Isla would be 1-1/2 hours and that was plenty. Anytime I needed to run longer than that I had her stay home with James. You know your child best though, so just go with what works for them.

As far as running safety, here are just a few tips I have to offer:

1. Don't run with headphones. I know for some, this might seem crazy. A lot of people need music to keep their energy up, not get bored, etc. But really it isn't safe, especially if you don't jog with a buddy. You need to be able to hear what's going on around you at all times. Headphones can block the sounds of possible attackers, animals, other runners/cyclist/walkers, and other traffic. Keep you and your baby safe and turn the music off.

2. Don't run the exact same route or at the same time every day. Even if you just mix it up a little bit that helps keep people from knowing when and where you'll be running everyday.

3. Let people know where you are going and when. I would always jog by myself but I would always let James know through a phone call or text that I was going running and how far so he knew to ask how my run was when I should be done. If I didn't get back to him, that was cause for concern. Let people know what you're doing!

4. Carry your phone with you. I always had my phone so I could use mapmyrun but I also had it incase I needed to call someone. If you see someone that makes you uneasy, pick up the phone and call anyone. Talk to them as you jog to deter a possible attacker.

5. Say hi to everyone! Yes, it's good to be friendly but that is not why I say hi to everyone. Saying hi lets a people know that you see them, you're acknowledging them, you will remember them. Most people looking to attack you want to catch you off guard. If you acknowledge them, it will ruin their surprise.

6. If you have a bad feeling, go home, go somewhere public, do what you need to do! It doesn't matter if you've run a half mile and you're supposed to run 10, your safety is much more important and if you don't feel right about something, don't risk it. Your intuition knows best and you can make up the run another day.

7. Run in well populated areas. I chose a trail nearby that I can't go 5 minutes with out seeing someone. There are houses, parks, businesses, and even a police station along our trail. I knew that if I was in trouble I was where someone could always hear me.

And finally, a little stroller review. I used the Baby Trend Expedition Jogger [Columbia]. For what I was using it for, this was a great stroller.

Pros: It has bicycle tires which helped give it a smoother ride and since I was running on a paved path, I didn't need much more suspension than that. It has 4 cup holders, 2 for mom and 2 for baby, which is plenty. I loved that it layer flat for when Isla would fall asleep. The sunshade can be positioned to shade your baby at all times which was nice too. The front wheel locks (I never did this but they say you're supposed to while jogging). I never had a problem with it wobbling but I also don't run very fast. It also has a safety tether for your wrist just incase you let go for some reason.

Cons: It doesn't have a hand brake. Most strollers don't, in fact I really only know of one B.O.B. stroller that does but I wish I would have had a hand brake. We have quite a few little hills on our trail and I have terrible knees. Trying to hold the stroller back while going downhill was really rough on my knees and a hand brake would have made a huge difference. The stroller folds down nicely but after about a year of using it, it became really hard to get the latches to release to close it. It could just be a problem with my particular stroller but its a pain, and now we even have to pull the latches to open the stroller all the way and then let them lock back in place.

If you are a beginner, jogging on a paved trail, sidewalk, or road, this stroller is a great place to start!

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  1. Awesome! I am a first time mom. I like to run and be active, so I want to get a stroller that accommodates newborn/infant/toddler (to save money) that I can jog with. Thamks!

  2. Great post !This was incredibly helpful. Thank you! I am shopping for a stroller for my 6-year-old and can't get insurance to cover it. Really helps to see these two side by side and hear your thoughts on them. Wish there was a perfect option.
