From Sureal to So real

I remember sitting in the urologist's office like it was yesterday. Isla was asleep in her carseat, James and I were sitting on an uncomfortable bench in the corner. I reached over and held James' hand and told him that no matter what, everything was going to be ok. It had been 32 days since his surgery. They have you wait 25 days before doing more blood work and then we had to wait 7 days for the results.
We were waiting to find out how successful his surgery was in removing his cancer and what our next steps would be. His doctor came in, sat down and got right to it. "Your tumor markers came back at a 13, they need to be at a 7 or less, that means chemo." The next 10 minutes, or so, of our appointment seemed too fast. Too many questions and no answers whatsoever. Now I know that as a urologist and not an oncologist, it was better that he just kept telling us to remember that for our oncologist but at the time I just felt like we were leaving so unsettled.
Before, it seemed so strange to think James had cancer. I felt like it was like a mole that just needed to be cut off and then we would be done with it. But instead of a mole, it was a testicle; and instead of being done with it, we were diving into the unknown. We had never dealt with chemo on a personal level. All I knew was what I had seen on TV and in the movies and it looked like a giant dish of misery with a big side of weed... It was real now though, it was cancer and we had to start dealing with it.
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