Wifessionals: Tough Topics

Today our IVF journey is being featured over on Wifessionals as part of her "Tough Topics" series. If you don't already follow her blog, START NOW! Kaitlyn is amazing and her blog covers everything, from give aways, reviews, dating/marriage tips, and thanks to her newest and most adorable addition, honest mom moments as well.
This year she has started a
"Tough Topics" series which really touches on just about everything a person could possibly go through. She has included an easy way to link up your story as well. It's all about women coming together to not only support each other during hard times, but also help us all feel like we're not alone.
I can't tell you how good it makes me feel to hear others share their IVF stories. As much as I hate for others to have to deal with infertility too, it really does make me feel like I'm not the only one. It's so nice to hear someone say "I know how you feel," and know that they actually, really truly do know how I feel!
Thank you Kaitlyn for this wonderful opportunity!
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  1. I just read your story through Katelyn's blog. Thank you so much for sharing! We are just coming up on a year of unsuccessful "trying" and I'm just about to loose my marbles. I needed some reassurance today and I'm so glad that I found your blog!

    1. My best advice to you is get both of you checked at the same time if you have to go that route. We wasted months thinking that I was the one having issues and in the end we found out it was male factor. Don't give up though! If you ever need anyone to talk to, feel free to email me! Good luck!

  2. Thank you so much for you sharing your story!
