New Years Resolutions

I made a new years resolution to not get pregnant in 2012. Why? Because we all know that resolutions are always broken and yes, I was hoping to pull some reverse psychology fast one on the universe, karma, fate, my body, and everything else.
Injections started again at the beginning of January and I was confident this time. I made sure we were 100% precise in following every instruction that the doctor gave us. Our embryo transfer was scheduled for Wednesday, February 1st. This day just happened to be my mom's birthday and coincidentally, the exact same day of my friends successful embryo transfer from the year before. It was fate, things were going to work this time, I just knew it.
On Monday, January 30th we received a call from the fertility clinic. Dr. Slater had some unexpected scheduling conflicts and wouldn't be able to do our transfer that day. Looking at it now it really seems like no big deal, but at the time I wasn't sure what to do exactly. We could keep it that same day, and have Dr. Foulk do the procedure which would be fine, but at this point we had developed a relationship with Dr. Slater and really wanted her to do the transfer. Our other option was to do it the day after on the 2nd. That would also be fine except in my mind I was having a slight nervous breakdown. That was not the day originally planned, that was not my mom's birthday, that was not the same day as my friends successful transfer, that was not the day the stars would be aligned, that was just not the day! See, I am the type of person that rarely, if ever, makes plans. I love to fly by the seat of my pants as often as possible. When I do make plans though, that is what needs to happen. Anything that throws of my plans, throws off my life it seems like. I don't like it when plans get changed for unexpected reasons. We decided to continue working with Dr. Slater and switched to the next day anyway. In the end I knew it really didn't matter what day it was and she is who we started this journey with and we wanted to see it through with her.
It was Friday the 2nd, our transfer day. Again I was nervous, as if there was anything I could do to make this work. As we're driving to our appointment we get a call from the office. They had thawed the first straw of blasts and only one survived the thaw. They wanted to know if we wanted to thaw our last two blasts also. Since the previous two transfers didn't work with 2 blasts we decided that we needed to have more than one in there. They thawed the last 2 and they both thawed successfully, we now had three blasts ready to be transferred.
Dr. Slater's office rarely transfers more than two blast because they try to avoid multiples for the health of the mother and babies. Only one of our blasts looked like a truly viable candidate so we decided to implant all three. I'll be honest, I was terrified that we would have triplets. I thought I could handle twins, but the thought of instantly being outnumbered was a little daunting. It was still a risk we were willing to take though, three babies sounded better than no baby.
There was something about our third transfer that was different. Our insurance would only cover one fresh cycle and we knew we couldn't afford another fresh cycle on our own so we knew this was the end of our IVF journey either way. I don't know if it was as sense of relief or peace or both that came over me as we watched Dr. Slater strategically place each embryo, but I was happy and content.
It was time to wait our 10 more days. The day I went in for my beta test I told them to leave me a message when they called for my results. I had to work that day and I didn't want to get any bad news while I was there. When my phone rang it was torture not to answer it. I waited for it to notify me that the message had been left. I didn't realize when I told them to leave the message that there was no way I could wait another minute to learn the results. I called James and told him to listen to the message and then call me and let me know. How that was any easier I don't know but I couldn't listen myself. After James listened to the voicemail he called back and said the sweetest words I needed to hear, "You're going to be a mommy."
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